. . . and the sunsets from up in the air.

I always loved the view from the top when you're above the clouds. It looks like a big marshmellow-y carpet that I want to run on. Granted that probably wouldn't end well for a number of reasons, but it doesn't diminish the allure for me.

I've spent a lot of time waking up in new cities . . .
. . . and finding new acquaintances in close quarters, like these lovely critters caught in between the plane window panes.
It's always great to get home, but it's often not a well-stocked one (except for alcohol). It can be a bit exhausting too to fly all over the place so the idea of spending all day in the kitchen making a tasty spread seems like more energy than I can muster some days. After ordering pizza for 3 days in a row, I finally realize that I have to make a change. . . .

And then it's frozen dinner time! That's right, it seems like some days all the cooking energy I can expend is to push 3:00 on my microwave and watch the plastic tray go around and around like a zombie.

Thankfully Trader Joe's has some pretty good options. This one has been in high rotation of late. The finished product always looks better on the box though, doesn't it?
The good news is that since I started microwavin' I've got more time for . . . . ;-)

Happy June, y'all! [Can you believe it's already June?!]
Ha! That apron is hilarious! Love me some TJ's microwave meals!